Bell Ringing at St Tudy
Tower Bells
We are currently practicing at the earlier time of 6:10 to 7:00 on Thursdays.
Please check if you are planning to meet us.
Paul 01208 851119.
For the Sunday service at St Tudy ringing starts at 10.30 am. Check the service details on the 'Service Dates & Times' page of this website.
Platinum Jubilee Ringers 5th June 2022
Guide to the Bells of St Tudy Church
Guide to the Bells of Michaelstow Church
The History of St Tudy's Bells
All welcome, ringers and non-ringers.
Why not join us and learn to ring?
Truro Diocesan Guild of Ringers
Tower Captain
Paul Tucker 01208 851119
If you are interested in learning about bell ringing, we invite you, and any friends you know of who are interested, to come along to our Thursday Practice Evening and talk to us.
Then, if you want to take it further, we will work out the best way forward for you.
If you can’t make Thursday evenings, please let us know and we will see what we can do for you.
St Tudy Bell Ringers 1972
St Tudy Ringers
St Tudy Ringers around 1910
No.6 Our Tenor Bell
The bells at Michaelstow are not ringable in the English full-circle way, but are chimed before services using an Ellacombe Chiming Apparatus.
This apparatus allows a single person at ground level to chime all six bells by pulling on ropes which are attached to the bell clappers in the belfry. The clappers strike the stationary bells.
The Ellacombe apparatus was devised in 1821 by Reverend Henry Thomas Ellacombe, so that one trusted person could chime all the bells and he did not have to tolerate the unruly behaviour of bell ringers who did not ring exclusively for church services.
In those days bell ringers engaged in "prize ringing", where teams from different churches competed for a prize for the best ringing, usually accompanied by a social event at the local pub.
St Tudy church once had a Ellacombe apparatus too as can be seen by the wording on a board in the ringing chamber recording when work was carried out in 1888. At what date it was removed is unknown, but it could have been when the bells were rehung in 1974.
The bells of Michaelstow and the Ellacombe Chiming Aparatus.
Ringers Notice Board
We need more ringers please.
Contact Paul if you are interested.
Truro Diocesan Guild — Northern District.
Improvers Practice:
February 15th at Launcells 10:00 to 12:00