

It has been a chaotic couple of months for the Thwaiteses’s (I never know what to use with a name ending in ‘es’), which culminated in our moving to the Rectory in St Tudy and my being licensed as your new Rector.

On top of all the moving and organising I have been having a think about our services.

We have seven churches in our Benefice: Blisland, Helland, Michaelstow, St. Breward, St. Mabyn, St. Tudy, and Temple.

Calling the Wardens of these churches together last month I proposed a new service rota which allows myself and Rev Steve to get to you all without rushing in halfway through the service and leaving as the final hymn is sung as has happened a couple of times recently.

It is a change although hopefully not too dramatic and it does allow space for creativity and for us to be a more united Benefice.
It has in the past been every fifth week in the month that a Benefice service is held. As a result, that service has, if we are being honest, been seen as a bit of a Sunday off if it is not held at ‘our’ church.

My prayer is that we will, with new regularity, be helping each other to get to the services, encouraging each other to attend and growing friendships in our neighbouring villages.

Thank you for all your kind words of support and encouragement as I begin my new role as Rector, as our family begins our new life in St Tudy, and as we, together, begin a new chapter in the Camelside Benefice.

God bless,     REV ROBIN


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