
Moorland Church


Next Moorland Church 

Delphi Bridge 16th February 13:00



Braving the elements on the moor Sunday 15th January.

Moorland Church met near Delphy Bridge for a short service at lunchtime, with the backdrop of Bodmin Moor and Brown Willy on the horizon together with ominous rain clouds.  

Luckily it didn’t rain and, despite the cold wind, the sun came out to provide a little warming respite!  

The service was led by Revd Robin Thwaites, and amongst the small gathering were 4 very patient dogs.


Many thanks to Peter Glaser for the use of his photograph.


The Camelside Benefice, that is St. Breward, St. Tudy, St. Mabyn, Helland, Temple, Blisland and Michaelstow started a new type of Church service.

Moorland Church is a different type of service. It is outside on the moors, in the afternoon so as not to conflict with clubs etc. involves a picnic, and is rooted in the Cornish Celtic Christianity style of creativity and creation. In my obviously biased opinion, it is a great way to find a home for your own spirituality that you may not recognize in the more traditional style of Church service you have seen before.

It is well attended, although we would love more children and families to attend. Being outside gives us the freedom to move around, make noise, and not worry about standing up or sitting down in the right places.

One of the joys of the service being outside has been the weather (although we have had a couple of close calls), and as we continue into winter our luck may very well run out.

However, we are determined to remain outside on the moors throughout the winter as our key focus is on being out in nature, seeing God in the hills and fields, the mud and streams, the rocks and the sky.

It is a very family friendly service and EVERYONE is invited to join us.

Please bring a picnic if you would like to and remember to dress appropriately for the weather!

If you are unable to come but have any ideas that would help us grow this community of moorland people please do ring me on 07754459174 or email me on revrobinthwaites@gmail.com.                                       REV ROBIN THWAITES


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